Burnout Support & Recovery
Is this right for you?
I am best able to help
if you:
Are 18 and over
Are struggling with mood, energy, focus, or direction
May be having physical symptoms, for example exhaustion, gastro-intestinal issues, or brain fog
May have symptoms of anxiety, depression, burnout or PTSD
May have experienced major trauma, bad experiences, or difficult relationships that are hard to move on from
Are ready & committed to implementing strategies & creating change in your life
Are willing to be invested in your wellbeing in terms of time, energy & resources.
Yes, this is for me...
This service is not suited to people who:
Require emergency, urgent, intensive, after-hours or crisis support
Intervention to manage acute risks to ones' own safety, or the safety of others (please contact the mental health access line on 1800 011 511 for support through NSW Health, or in an emergency 000)
Are currently experiencing significant legal or financial difficulties
Require medico-legal assistance in the form of assessment, report writing or expert witness involvement. I do not do medico-legal work.
Require assistance navigating the hospital, police or child protection systems before being able to engage fully in therapy.
I need a different service:
Supplementary Resources
Explore resources designed to facilitate and strengthen your recovery from burnout: